Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu Protection

So far, the danger of swine flu has been unbelievably over exaggerated. Having said that we can use this "crisis" as an opportunity to reevaluate our lifestyles in order to refine them to bring about a better experience.

When dealing with the spread of any infectious disease, it is essential to focus on host resistance in order to maximize an individual’s probability of a successful outcome. This simply means that to give yourself the best chance of survival you must take steps to be as healthy as possible. A healthy individual is less likely to succumb to illness.

In addition to personal experience, my ten years of clinical work has taught me what works and what does not. Below are the essentials.

Healthy Diet: You must consume a wide variety of raw fruits and vegetables every single day. This will provide your body with immune enhancing plant nutrients. This will also displace other unhealthy foods that tend to be disruptive to proper immune function. Visit for the most researched whole food based nutritional product available. This product has been clinically shown to improve the function of the immune system.

Avoid sugar and junk food! The amount of sugar in a candy bar and a coke is enough to shut down your immune system for 4 or 5 hours and you can’t afford to let that happen.

Eat fermented foods. Chlorine, stress, processed food and medication disrupts the healthy bacteria in your body. This healthy bacteria protects you from infections and makes up 80% of your immunity. It is essential to replenish this by consuming fermented foods. On is a links page where you find information on how you can get started.

Drink plenty of filtered water. It is essential to filter the water that you are drinking and bathing in. Unfiltered water contains chlorine and other contaminants. Chlorine kills the healthy bacteria in and on your body. When you shower in unfiltered water, the chlorine vapor is absorbed by the open pores of your skin and is inhaled. The inhalation of chlorine kills the healthy bacteria in your lungs leading to decreased resistance. I can make specific recommendations for a filter based on your family’s needs.

Exercise: The immune enhancing effects of healthy exercise have been well documented. At the minimum you should be walking 2 miles per day outdoors at a brisk pace preferably over rough or uneven surfaces. Outdoor activities are essential because your skin makes Vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight. Most Chicagoans are Vitamin D deficient because the weather prevents us from spending enough time outdoors for most of the year. Proper levels of Vitamin D are needed for optimal immune system function. For this reason you must make a serious effort to get as much direct sun exposure as possible to as much of your body as possible without sunscreen. Not only are most sunscreens carcinogenic, they also impair your ability to produce Vitamin D. Contrary to brilliant marketing campaigns sunlight is very beneficial to your health as long as you are not burning. If you start to burn, get out of the sun.

Motion helps you dissipate abnormal stress and tension that your body is holding on to. Proper amounts of motion give your brain and immune system what it needs to function optimally. The best exercise is the one that you will do, so find something you like and get out and do it!

Of course the flip side to the moving well coin is to make sure that you get plenty of rest. Sleep deprivation robs your immune system of its ability to keep you healthy. If you are having trouble sleeping, make sure the room is as dark as possible. Even the light of an alarm clock can be enough to affect sleep quality. Remove all video games, computers and television sets from your bedroom. Getting on a routine can also improve sleep quality.

Proper Stress management is essential! Processing stress better has a profound effect on strengthening your immune system. This begins with not creating any new additional stress or drama around whatever is present in your life situation. Much has been written on this so it is not necessary to elaborate further. If you need help in this area, feel free to contact me.

Another important step is to clean up the clutter and get organized. This will make you more productive and will empower you to decrease and deal with stress better.

Finally, find yourself a good Chiropractor who understands wellness. Properly utilized chiropractic care is likely the best kept secret when it comes to overall health and the function of your immune system.

Chiropractors had incredibly impressive results during the flu of 1918 and I know from my own personal experience that no bigger priority exists, when a loved one feels under the weather, than to get them a chiropractic adjustment.

If you have any questions about the information provided, feel free to contact my office at (847)824-0222.

-Dr. Steven A. Sciame

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