Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sauerkraut Class

Are you aware of how
Healthy Bacteria
protects your health?

Do you ever:

Experience chronic stress?
Have an addictive feeling toward sweets?
Eat processed foods?
Take antibiotics?
Struggle with Candida or C-diff?
Experience constipation or diarrhea?
Get frequent colds or flu?
Have allergies?

If you answered yes any of the above questions, it is very likely that you need to better support the healthy bacteria in your body.

You absolutely cannot miss this opportunity to attend

Dr. Steven Sciame's Homemade Sauerkraut Class

Not only will you learn how this tasty miracle food can help restore health for you and your family, but you will also learn how to ferment your own kraut at home!

Join us on: Thursday 10/22/2009 @ 6pm
Location: Expanding Wellness Chiropractic Center

2780 S. River Road (about halfway between Touhy and Devon on River Rd)
Des Plaines, IL 60018

R.S.V.P. A.S.A.P. (847) 824-0222 as space is limited.

1 comment:

Dr. Steven Sciame said...

I wanted to thank everyone who came to this event! I also wanted to give a special thank you to Joe Caputo and Son's at 959 E. Oakton Street in Des Plaines for supplying the cabbage. This is a really great store and I regularly shop there for my fruits and vegetables.