Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Transitions, Transitions...

This time of year brings great change to our bodies including decreased sunlight, large temperature swings, changes in mold/pollen counts, changes in schedules, etc.  These changes can add stress to your body and result in more subluxation.  Remember the presence of subluxation is a result of mishandling stress from the environment and means your potential for optimum health is decreased.  This leads to disharmony of body function which can be experienced as imbalanced body chemistry, allergies, depression, irritability, and overall poorer performance.  

During times of increased stress and environmental demands, it is even more important to stay regular with your chiropractic care.  Our gentle and unique tonal chiropractic adjustments assist your body in letting go of these old stress responses, and can help you have a smoother transition into the new season.  Call us today at (847) 830-0690 to learn about our new Monthly Wellness Plans.

Looking Forward To Serving You Soon,

Dr. Steven Sciame

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